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Wise County Youth Soccer Association, Wise, Virginia



The following Code of Conduct is intended to illustrate the types of behavior that are expected at sporting events sponsored by Wise County Youth Soccer Association.  While these rules are detailed, they are by no means exhaustive and should not substitute for good judgment and sound thinking that is not defined in the code.  The Code of Conduct is organized in a manner that promotes good sportsmanship, courtesy, amity and fellowship and a belief that we should behave towards others as we would want others to behave towards us.  We believe these principles will foster a safe environment for all to enjoy soccer.  Behavior or language that is unsportsmanlike, rude, offensive or vulgar will not be tolerated. 

Parents, as members of WCYSA are expected to be courteous in all soccer situations and maintain the same high standards expected of the players. Inappropriate actions taken by a player, coach or parent will be subject to review by the board with potential sanctions.  Below are some basic expectations WCYSA has of Parent members.

Encourage the player but not force him/her to participate.

Acknowledge that participation in WCYSA is for the youth involved, not the adult.

Inform the coach of any physical disability or ailment that may affect the safety of his/her child or other players.

Discourage any behaviors or practices that would endanger the health and wellbeing of players.

Support and demand a sports environment for all that is free from drugs, tobacco, alcohol and the abuse of legal drugs.

Teach and encourage their player to obey the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.

Teach their child that doing one's best is more important than winning.

 Promote the emotional and physical wellbeing of all players ahead of any personal desire for their player to win or play.

Participate in only positive cheering during games, not to instruct or coach players during games and practices.

Be a positive role model for players, encourage sportsmanship and demonstrate regard for officials by showing respect and courtesy, by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, officials and spectators at every game, practice or other event connected with WCYSA. To never ridicule or yell at their or other players for any reason.

To personally and to expect and guide their player to treat other players, coaches, officials and spectators with respect regardless of race, creed, color, sex or ability. Parents also agree to work with coaches to resolve any behavioral or other problems their player may have while participating in WCYSA activities.

To encourage good conduct on the part of all adults and players and to notify coaches or managers of any actions on the part of parents, spectators or players that may endanger the wellbeing of others.

To not sit or stand on the end lines or on the same side as the players unless it is required by the hosts or field set up.

The items below are suggestions for parents.  We’d like you to review these, so your child may have a better soccer experience.

Parent/Coach unity and communication are important to a player's development. WYCSA values the opinions of our parents as well as those of our coaches. We accept that sometimes a parent may disagree with a coach's decision or would like to have a more in-depth understanding of a particular decision. We ask that you respect the coach, WCYSA and the relationship your child has with the coach by keeping discussions constructive and confidential. Scheduling a time to meet with the coach to address the issue rather than doing so during a game/practice or right after would be an effective way to build a positive mutual relationship and to air concerns. Parents should encourage players, but not coach from the sidelines; this is the responsibility of the coaching staff. When there is more than one “coach”, players become confused. Your child and other players can also become distracted when you give direction or criticism. In addition, if you are always telling your player what to do, they will not learn how to make the many split second decisions on their own that soccer requires. Parents are spectators and supporters. You are encouraged to cheer not only for your child but also for all of their teammates. 

The passion, commitment, and support of parents are an asset to children playing both competitive and recreational soccer. Research has shown that parents are crucial to a young athlete's success. We know that parents are seeking the best for their children and have made a considerable investment to help their children succeed. Your child and WCYSA could not be successful without that commitment. We also understand that sports competition sometimes arouses strong emotions. When negative emotions are running high during a game, we ask that you use self control and refrain from disrespectful or injurious behaviors towards officials, coaches, players, and spectators, whether on or off the field. In addition, we ask that parents assist each other in maintaining positive conduct so that officials, coaches and players can maintain their focus on the activities at hand. Parents can help their player and coach by modeling good sportsmanship.

Parents are essential to player preparedness. A review of the player's commitment will help parents to understand what is expected of the player. In addition, parents are encouraged to teach their child the skills needed to be game and practice ready; helping the player to become gradually more independent. Parental support in teaching and encouraging (and reminding) players about their obligations is crucial. Carpooling with other players may ease the burden of multiple practices and games in a week. WYCSA tries to link parents in making these arrangements and recognizes its advantages to parents. If you are interested in carpooling, we suggest that you begin by talking with other parents on your team and in your area.

Parent’s attitudes towards development of soccer skills are clearly reflected in most, if not all children’s performances.  WCYSA asks that parents keep the following points in mind when thinking of your child’s soccer experience. Measure your child’s success not by wins, goals and losses, but by performance, intensity and hard work. Research has shown that athletes focus on tasks and goals, not trophies. They have an intense desire to win, but most of their energy is spent competing against themselves. Success is measured by progress, not wins.

Is winning important? Eventually, yes.  Winning is important, but not until kids have developed the tools, both technically and emotionally, to allow them to be successful in an environment where the aim is to win. Particularly with the younger ages (4-8 year olds), the most fundamental tool in soccer is mastery of the ball and the creativity that comes with it. This cannot be encouraged enough. As skills are mastered, the rest of the game becomes easier. The player's development, including having fun and maintaining his or her passion for soccer, comes first. Winning will follow.

But what about losing?  Losing and the lessons from losing are vital.  Stronger opponents are not to be feared, they are to be learned from. "Soccer is a game of a thousand mistakes". Players cannot be afraid to make mistakes. Encourage your child (and yourself) to see mistakes as opportunities to learn. Please refrain from negative post game or practice discussions. Give your child time to self-analyze and digest what the coaches have told them. When they are ready, listen to their analysis of what worked and what didn't and help them to think of ways to improve.  Some of the best statements a parent can make are these.  In preparation before a game a simple statement such as "Good luck, have fun and I love you."   After the game, a statement like "Great game, I'm proud of you (regardless of whether they won or lost) and what do you want to eat?"

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Wise County Youth Soccer Association

Wise, Virginia 24293

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